A method of monitoring bowel cancellations with an analyte test device and a therapeutic dispensing device, in which each of both devices includes a microprocessor coupled to a memory, the procedure comprising: (i) indicating a bolus amount recommended on a display of both the analyte test device and a therapeutic dispensing device; (ii) enter a different bolus amount that is both greater and less than the recommended bolus amount; (iii) save in a memory of the therapeutic dispensing device or an analyte test device the amount of different bolus and a time stamp; and (iv) display the different bolus amount with both a first indication that indicates a bolus amount greater than the recommended bolus amount and a second indication that indicates a bolus amount less than the recommended bolus amount, characterized in that the amount of different bolus it is located within a cell of a notebook of visualizations visualized by means of a personal computer, the notebook of notebooks comprising a plurality of cells organized in a two-dimensional matrix in which a first dimension represents time intervals during a day and a second Dimension represents time intervals of several days.Un procedimiento de monitorización de anulaciones de bolos con un dispositivo de prueba de analito y un dispositivo de dispensación terapéutica, en el que cada uno de ambos dispositivos incluye un microprocesador acoplado a una memoria, comprendiendo el procedimiento: (i) indicar una cantidad de bolo recomendada sobre un visualizador de tanto el dispositivo de prueba de analito como un dispositivo de dispensación terapéutica; (ii) entrar una cantidad de bolo diferente que es tanto mayor como menor que la cantidad de bolo recomendada; (iii) guardar en una memoria del dispositivo de dispensación terapéutica o un dispositivo de prueba de analito la cantidad de bolo diferente y un sello de tiempo; y (iv) visualizar la cantidad de bolo diferente con tanto un primer indicio que indica una cantidad de bo