A kind of bone fixation structure of what is closed in this creation system, with what distal humerus Hou side, it is with single bone plate, the fossa olecrani at cartilage place is avoided through the design of Y-shaped structure, and through the overturning in the structure of Y-shaped structure bifurcation, so that bone plate is locked simultaneously the coaster axle both ends of distal humerus Hou side, that is, at epicondylus medialis and lateral epicondyle, thus greatly improves the crystallized ability of bone plate what distal humerus Hou side. 本創作係關於一種骨固定結構,用於肱骨遠端後側,其係以單一骨板,透過Y字型結構之設計避開了軟骨所在之鷹嘴窩,並且透過Y字型結構分支處的結構上之翻轉,使骨板得以同時鎖固住肱骨遠端後側之滑車車軸兩端,也就是內上髁以及外上髁處,因而大幅提升了骨板於肱骨遠端後側的固定能力。