The invention relates to a peptide composition having an aminogram in which: - glycine, hydroxyproline and proline are in molar amounts such that the ratio of each amount to the sum of the molar amounts of the amino acids in the composition is, respectively, between 20.0% and 24.5%, between 6.0% and 12.0% and between 10.6% and 14.6%; - the peptide composition comprising an amount of peptides with a molecular weight of less than 1400 Da such that the ratio of this amount to the amount of peptides in the composition is less than 40%; the molecular weight and the amount of peptides in the composition being determined by exclusion chromatography. The invention also relates to such a composition for its use as a medicament. The invention also relates to such a composition for its use as a food supplement.本發明關於具有胺基酸譜(aminogram)之肽組成物,其中: - 甘胺酸、羥基脯胺酸及脯胺酸具有之莫耳量使得各量對該組成物中的胺基酸莫耳量總和之比分別介於20.0%與24.5%之間、介於6.0%與12.0%之間及介於10.6%與14.6%之間; - 該肽組成物包含具有分子量少於1400 Da之肽量,使得此量對該組成物中的肽量之比少於40%; 在該組成物中的肽之分子量及量係以排阻層析術測定。本發明亦關於此組成物作為藥劑之用途。本發明亦關於此組成物作為食物補充品之用途。