Brugada syndrome and related forms of ion channelopathies, including ventricular asynchrony of contraction, originate in the region near the His bundle or para-Hisian regions of the heart. Manifestations of Brugada syndrome can be corrected by delivering endocardial electrical stimulation coincident to the activation wave front propagated from the atrioventricular (AV) node. By performing the start of the activation of the HIS bundle or para-Hisian region early enough, electrical stimulation can be delivered fast enough to compensate for the conduction problems that start in those region, such that the activation wave front, as stimulated, transitions from the AV node to the His bundle in a normal, albeit electrically-supplemented, fashion. This stimulation not only helps resolve the conditions that trigger Brugada syndrome, but also resolves the asynchrony of the contraction of the heart.