Кистанов Евгений Иванович (RU),Ошурков Максим Викторович (RU),Кошелев Роман Валентинович (RU),Никулин Александр Владимирович (RU)
A rowing machine with a multi-row spacing consists of a supporting bar with a hinge, supporting wheels and working sections, each of which has a copying wheel and a grapnel for fastening the working organs, a frame with crest-forming spherical embossing discs of the serial potato planter with a push rod of sealing discs fixed to the U-shaped bracket, rigidly fixed on the supporting bar of the cultivator, and on the mound of each working section, located in the middle of the adjacent row spacing, a bearing The frame is perpendicular to the slab with the help of prisms, lining and staples, consisting of the front and rear square rods, with the front square rod fixed to the top of the ridge, the rear square rod fixed to the bottom of the ridge, the left and right ends of the square rods welded together, and the straps to the rear square rod are welded with holes for fixing the frames with ridge-forming spherical embossing disks, with the lancet paws mounted on the carrier frame in the center of the rows of the adjacent row spacing, and their posts are fixed with prismatic brackets in the upper part on the front square rod the lower part on the rear square rod, moreover, on the mounds of each working section of the adjacent row spacing, rifting chisel paws are installed, and on the rims of the extended row spacing th arms with a working width of 270 mm are installed. A rower cultivator with a multi-row spacing provides preplant cutting of ridges with multi-row spacing in accordance with the adopted planting scheme.Культиватор гребнеобразователь с разновеликими междурядьями состоит из несущего бруса с навеской, опорных колес и рабочих секций, каждая из которых имеет копирующее колесо и грядиль для крепления рабочих органов, рамку с гребнеобразующими сферическими заделывающими дисками серийной картофелесажалки с нажимной штангой заделывающих дисков, закрепленной на П-образном кронштейне, жестко закрепленном на несущем брусе культиватора, причем на грядиле каждой рабочей с