The presently disclosed subject matter has application in the fields of Medicine, Neurology, Stomatology, Dentistry, Maxillofacial Surgery and Gerontology, using electronics nanotechnology and biomechanics technologies. The disclosed subject matter includes a bionic device of transduction of the mastication pressure into an electrical stimulus, capable of being perceived by the organism in the form of a nociceptive stimulus, which triggers in the organism an appropriate motor response of defense or decrease of muscle contraction. A generating device of nociceptive stimulus able to stimulate the brain areas related to chewing can be provided, modulating the muscular response thus avoiding the problems of overload during the process of mastication or while sleeping, involuntary movements called parafunctions of mastication, which translates to sharply wear down the dental crowns, also called bruxism. An exemplary embodiment can includes a driver, interface with the nervous structures, prosthetic abutment, and processing device and force transducer.