1. The aerosol generator, comprising: an elongated body having a proximal mouth end, a distal end and an inner bore extending longitudinally to the mouth end, a connector for releasable attachment to the housing, a cylinder containing a pressurized fluid, having a discharge tube extending along the axis, presses the inwardly to open the valve in the cylinder, for discharging fluid through an outlet tube, wherein the cylinder and the channel have a common longitudinal axis, the triggering element, which is mounted on the housing, with rotation around its axis offset from and extending transversely to the longitudinal axis and which has an actuable manually portion surface facing outwardly from the housing, and a cam surface portion which presses the outlet pipe inside the cylinder for controlling the valve and release when pressed into the housing of the pressed manually surface portion fluid from the container through the outlet tube and the housing to the mouthpiece end, itrubchatuyu nozzle mounted in the housing slidable and having an end bearing against a cylinder tube, and end, which interacts with the triggering element, which engages with the cam surface portion of the trigger element so that pressing inwardly the trigger member moves the nozzle toward the distal end of the body member for advancing the tube into the balloon for controlling the valve and the outlet fluid through the tube and nozzle to form aerozolya.2. Aerosol generator according to claim 1, wherein the housing has an outer surface and the trigger element axis is located within the housing under this basic topically1. Генератор аэрозоля, включающий:удлиненный корпус, имеющий проксимальный мундштучный конец, дистальный конец и внутренний канал, проходящий продольно к мундштучному концу,соединитель для разъемного присоединения к корпусу, баллон, содержащий текучую среду под давлением, имеющий проходящую вдоль оси выпускную трубку, вдавливаемую внутрь для открывания клапана в баллоне, для выпуска