FIELD: medicine, pharmaceutics.SUBSTANCE: invention describes crystals of 2-{4-[N-(5,6-diphenylpyrazin-2-yl)-N-isopropylamino]butyloxy}-N-(methylsulphonyl)acetamide ("compound A"), as a form I of the compound A crystal, which shows diffraction peaks at 9.4 degrees, 9.8 degrees, 17.2 degrees and 19.4 degrees in its power X-ray diffraction spectrum, as a form II of the compound A crystal, which shows diffraction peaks at 9.0 degrees, 12.9 degrees, 20.7 degrees and 22.6 degrees in its power X-ray diffraction spectrum, as a form III of the compound A crystal, which shows diffraction peaks at 9.3 degrees, 9.7 degrees, 16.8 degrees, 20.6 degrees and 23.5 degrees in its power X-ray diffraction spectrum. There are also described methods for producing the forms I, II and III of the compound A crystal, based pharmaceutical composition and PGI2 receptor agonist agent, an accelerating agent for angiogenic therapy, gene engineering or autoimmune bone marrow transplantation, and an accelerating agent for angiogenesis for peripheral artery recovery or angiogenic therapy on the basis thereof; there are also described a preventive or therapeutic agent for a wide range of diseases and conditions.EFFECT: preparing the new therapeutic agent for the wide range of diseases and conditions.11 cl, 6 dwg, 6 tbl, 5 exИзобретение описывает кристаллы 2-{4-[N-(5,6-дифенилпиразин-2-ил)-N-изопропиламино]бутилокси}-N-(метилсульфонил)ацетамида ("соединение А"), в виде формы-I кристалла соединения А, которая демонстрирует пики дифракции при 9,4 градуса, 9,8 градуса, 17,2 градуса и 19,4 градуса в ее спектре порошковой рентгеновской дифракции, в виде формы-II кристалла соединения А, которая демонстрирует пики дифракции при 9,0 градусах, 12,9 градуса, 20,7 градуса и 22,6 градуса в ее спектре порошковой рентгеновской дифракции, и в виде формы-III кристалла соединения А, которая демонстрирует пики дифракции при 9,3 градуса, 9,7 градуса, 16,8 градуса, 20,6 градуса и 23,5 градуса в ее спектре порошковой ре