1. The main node, comprising: a main element containing an intermediate zone and a distal tip, a stent extending over the intermediate zone of the main element and containing a distal part, an idal casing containing a first end and a second end, the second end being connected to the distal tip, the distal casing is oriented in the delivery position, in which the first end (i) extends proximal to the distal tip and (ii) at least partially surrounds the distal part of the stent, and ene movable from a delivery position of the reversed position, wherein the first end is located distally relative to the second end and rotatably about the main elementa.2. The main assembly according to claim 1, wherein the first end of the distal casing comprises a folded portion. The main assembly according to claim 2, wherein the folded portion comprises an inner layer and an outer layer, the inner layer being located between the stent and the outer layer, and the inner layer is capable of being turned out to facilitate expansion of the stent. The main assembly according to claim 1, wherein the distal casing comprises one or more elongated strips of material. The main assembly according to claim 1, in which the distal casing contains no more than two elongated strips of material. The main site of claim 1, wherein the distal casing extends along at least one third of the stent. The main assembly according to claim 1, wherein the distal tip of the main element comprises a tip structure supported by the main element, the distal casing being connected to the tip structure. The main assembly according to claim 7, wherein1. Основной узел, содержащий:основной элемент, содержащий промежуточную зону и дистальный наконечник,стент, проходящий поверх промежуточной зоны основного элемента и содержащий дистальную часть, идистальный кожух, содержащий первый конец и второй конец, причем второй конец связан с дистальным наконечником, при этом дистальный кожух ориентирован в положении доставки, в которо