The present invention can be mass-produced by concentrated breeding sea cucumber into the basket to form a plurality of layers, oxygen supply and feed supply and more particularly, a large amount of breeding baskets with multiple layers in the housing which can protect a sea cucumber which form from the external environment as to optimize the growth environment on the sea cucumber sayukgi form to maximize the efficiency of form, etc. By enabling the mass production of sea cucumber jimyeo install and easy to manage, configure it, forming the inlet and exhaust adjustable inlet pipe and discharge of water into the housing, and each to pay a breeding area for sea cucumber feeding on Breeding basket of multiple layers will install the hose outlet at the bottom center of the basket outside the breeding of layers to be settled by the sea cucumber sea cucumber farming feeding on discharge sayukgi to ensure easy supply, consumption made the prey of sea cucumbers. To this end, the present invention is a sea water inlet pipe and outlet pipe are each coupled to the inlet and exhaust sides, respectively, and is formed inside the upper door part, so that the door can be opened and closed, and the secondary portion is a housing having a hollow space on the inside of the housing And raising the basket so many dogs that are bred space is provided inside the housing and can be mounted on the sea cucumber breeding The air containing oxygen is supplied into the housing installed in the housing outside the interior of the housing through doedoe external air supply having an air inlet pipe which is disposed a portion projecting into the housing is configured to include a본 발명은 해삼을 양식하기 위한 사육바스켓을 다수층으로 밀집시켜 대량생산이 가능하며, 산소 공급과 먹이 공급 등의 생육환경을 최적화하여 양식 효율을 극대화할 수 있는 해삼양식 사육기에 관한 것으로서 더욱 상세하게는 외부의 환경으로부터 양식되는 해삼을 보호할 수 있는 하우징 내에 다수층으로 다량의 사육바스켓을 설치 구성함으로써 해삼의 대량 생산이 가능하고 관리가 용이해지며, 하우징 내로 해수의 유입 및 배출이 조절 가능한 유입관 및 배출관을 형성하고 다수층의 사육바스켓 상의 사육공간에 해삼먹이를 급여하기 위해 각 층의 사육바스켓 외부의 하단 중앙부에 호스배출구를 설치하여 해