This Chong Zuo Department Ti Gong mono- Seed Nursing Ju structures improve comprising:Two beam Tapes, it all include the faces Inner Side, the outer faces Side, the ends Even Knot and elongated end, one Wheels Shi Twin living are Xiang Shu Tight Agencies parts, two beam Tapes Inter of Let whats, including two Huo Wheels Group, the whole Single members of at least Yi La Rope and Nian Kou Tone, thereby bis- beam Tapes of When user Tong Over coat what Yao Fu Bu Time, in order to can function by Wheels Shi Twin living Xiang from Shu Tight Agencies Jian Da Dao Twin to Tone Zheng Shu Tight, and using Huo Wheels Group With La Rope As Roll Move Jie Touch kenels and can Enough Shi Tone Zheng Time it is quicker, Cis Chang, laborsaving equal Real Yong Jin steps property, and wherein the beam Tapes more attached can add Knot conjunctions to have back branch Brace to protect Nursing parts and the whole fixing devices of chest vertebra Tone, one Bu of Da Dao Jin Ling Nursing tools with Duo Seed Bao Nursing, Complex makes contributions can, and the Real Yong Jin step property of Neng Enough Full foot users multi-demands.本創作係提供一種護具結構改良,其包括:二束帶,皆包括有內側面、外側面、連結端及延伸端,一活輪式雙向束緊構件,設於二束帶之間,包括二活輪組、至少一拉繩及黏扣調整單元,藉此當使用者通過二束帶包覆於腰腹部時,俾可藉由活輪式雙向束緊構件達到雙向調整束緊的功能,且利用活輪組與拉繩為滾動接觸型態而能夠使調整時更加快速、順暢、省力等實用進步性,且其中所述束帶更可附加結合有背部支撐保護件以及胸椎調整固定裝置,達到進一步令護具具有多種保護、復建功能,而能夠滿足使用者多元需求之實用進步性。