Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova" (MGU)
Vartanov Aleksandr Valentinovich,Вартанов Александр Валентинович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, particularly to methods for investigation of brain activity. Method for investigation of brain comprises functional MRI recording of brain activity in the process of solving by the study subject at least three problems designed to investigate certain factors by using different stimuli, and obtaining a series of images of the values of the MP signal in time for each problem, cleaning the obtained images from artifacts and their standardization, forming, based on the processed images, a two-dimensional space-time matrix of the MR signal intensity (Z) values with normalization of its values, each column of the matrix characterizes a certain brain voxel, and each line characterizes the data obtained during the next brain scanning in the course of solving a particular problem by the study subject, factoring the resulting matrix by means of factor analysis, during which the matrix of coefficients of correlation R is calculated for all lines of the normalized intensity matrix, then its eigenvalues and eigenvectors are determined, on the basis of them factor load matrix (A), orthogonal rotation of factor load matrix (A) are formed, and obtaining matrix A(rot) characterizing the dynamics of each factor in time for each problem, and a meaningful interpretation of factors as separate independent elementary mental processes involved in solving presented problems, obtaining factor value matrix P on the basis of intensity value matrix (Z) and the matrix of factor loads after rotation A(rot), which characterizes the localization of each factor in the space of the brain and according to which a brain composition of the given functional system providing elementary mental processes, involved in solving the original problems, are judged, obtaining a linear mathematical model that is a neuroimaging model reflecting the formed functional brain systems that ensure the persons performance of a corresponding set of cognitive tasks.E