ФЛЕКСМАН Молли Лара (NL),НУНАН Дэвид Пол (NL),ЧАН Рэймонд (NL),ВАН ДЕР ЛИНДЕ Франсискус Рейнир Антониус (NL)
1. A shape-recognition tool, comprising: a flexible longitudinal housing (300) including a plurality of adjacent longitudinally extending elements (310) that are held together and have frictional contact with each other, and the longitudinally extending elements form a cavity (205) in space surrounded by internal surfaces of a plurality of longitudinally extending elements; wherein longitudinally extending elements are configured to interact with adjacent longitudinally extending elements when bending, torsion or pressure to it to maintain the size of the cavity; at least one optical fiber (302) for pattern recognition, located inside the cavity and surrounded by the inner surfaces of the plurality of longitudinally extending elements. A tool according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of longitudinally extending elements (310) have a configuration that is sufficient to suppress vibrations arising from manipulating the tool. A tool according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of longitudinally extending elements (310) includes at least one of the threads or strands. A tool according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of longitudinally extending elements (310) includes one or more strands helically wound around a longitudinal central axis. A tool according to claim 1, wherein a plurality of longitudinally extending elements (310) form a circular or polygonal cavity. A tool according to claim 1, wherein the cavity includes a coating (304) configured to reduce friction with at least one optical fiber for pattern recognition. The tool of claim 1, wherein the at least single optical fiber (302) for shape recognition1. Инструмент с возможностью распознавания формы, содержащий:гибкий продольный корпус (300), включающий в себя множество смежных продольно проходящих элементов (310), которые удерживаются вместе и имеют между собой фрикционный контакт, причем продольно проходящие элементы формируют полость (205) в пространстве, окруженном внутренними поверхностями множества прод