diagnostic radiopharmaceutical based on antibiotic ciprofloxacin antibiotic ciprofloxacin is connected to ligandu an idiot or nodaga and labelled diagnostic radionuclide selected from the group comprising ga - 68, sc - sc - 43 or 44.process for the production of radiofarmaceutyku diagnostic based on the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, is that to the ciprofloxacin joins chelator an idiot or nodaga through nitrogen atom of ii - rz\u0119dowej amine group of the antibiotic molecules in such a way that the solution ciprofloks acyny dissolved in anhydrous organic solvent selected from the group comprising dmf, dmsois mixed with the solution chelatora an idiot or nodaga dissolved in the same solvent, the whole wysyca inert gas and leaves with a magnetic stirrer at 60 - 90\u00b0c for a period of 24 to 48 hours, with progress of reaction is controlled by hplc, to yield anya conjugate ligandu an idiot or nodaga to ciprofloxacin efficiency response of 70 - 80%.the receipt of the conjugates of an idiot - ciprofloxacin and nodaga - ciprofloxacin confirmed ms analysis. so obtained compounds shall be selected from the group comprising diagnostic radionuclide ga - 68, sc - sc - 43 or 44, according to known procedures (in the case of an idiot - ciprofloxacin by heating at 70 - 100\u00b0c for about 25 minutes.or in the case of nodaga - ciprofloxacin at room temperature for approximately 10 min), and the radiochemical purity radiopharmaceutical preparation means by thin-layer chromatography (tlc). the notification also includes the application of diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals.Radiofarmaceutyk diagnostyczny oparty na antybiotyku ciprofloksacyna stanowi antybiotyk ciprofloksacyna przyłączony do ligandu DOTA lub NODAGA i wyznakowany radionuklidem diagnostycznym wybranym z grupy obejmującej Ga-68, Sc-43 lub Sc-44. Sposób wytwarzania radiofarmaceutyku diagnostycznego opartego na antybiotyku ciprofloksacyna, polega na tym, że do cząsteczki ciprofloksacyny przyłącza się chelator DOTA lub NODAGA