FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: hydro-preparation of mucoperichondrium and mucoperiost all the entire length using a proprietary technology, in 3 points. The first endonasal linear section of the cutaneous part of the nasal septum is made on the cleft side. An acute raspatory is used to cut off the mucoperichondrium and mucoperiost from both sides. The passage to the other side of the septum is carried out through its caudal section. A revision of the lower wall of the cartilaginous and bony parts of the nasal septum is performed. The quadrangular cartilage is completely isolated along its entire length, then resected. If there is a curvature of premaxilla and bony parts of the nasal septum, the curved structures are removed. The mucoperiost is separated according to the orientation of the anterior nasal spine. The removed quadrangular cartilage is mobilized, restored to the condition of a flat plate, perforated over the entire surface for additional fixation under the mucoperichondrium and mucoperiost and rigidity. Then the cartilage is reimplanted with chondroinverse of 180° to avoid repeated deformation due to the presence of the "cartilage memory" effect. From the quadrangular cartilage remains, after restoration, a column is formed, which is implanted into the caudal part of the septum between the medial legs of the lower lateral cartilages. The medial legs are aligned and fixed to the columnt with a suture. The mucosa is put in place and stitched. The surgery is terminated with nasal tamponade.EFFECT: method allows to restore the nose valve, intranasal structures by endonasal access, which is a less traumatic operation and excludes postoperative complications in children.2 ex, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к оториноларингологии. Проводят гидропрепаровку мукоперихондрия и мукопериоста на всем протяжении по авторской методике из 3 точек. Производятся первый эндоназальный линейный разрез кожного участка перегородки носа на стороне расщелины. Острым