Method of monitoring wound, involves observing characteristics of wound and surrounding region of wound, and recording characteristics of wound as electrical signals using variable transducer system provided in wound dressing
Verfahren zur Überwachung von Wunden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass Kenngrößen der Wunde und der unmittelbaren Wundumgebung mittels textiler Messgrößenwandler-Systeme erfasst und in elektrische Signale gewandelt, verarbeitet und angezeigt werden.The method involves observing characteristics of wound and surrounding region of wound and recording the characteristics of wound by converting into electrical signals using a variable transducer system. The recorded electrical signals are processed and displayed. The variable transducer system is provided in the wound dressing and the ohmic resistors (R-1-R-n) of the variable transducer system are placed around the wound. An independent claim is included for metric conversion system.