Method for producing a preparation with stem cells for the hair and head skin care and the device for moistening of applicators of that preparation and the moistening method
The scope of the notification is the way in which the hair and head care product is manufactured, the device for absorbing cosmetic caps with the product and the method of absorbing them. Two phases of the preparation are produced simultaneously in two reactors. Phase A is formed by adding to the water in quantities from 80% to 90% weight and cetearyl alcohol from 2,8% to 3,2% weight. Phase B is formed by the addition of cetrimonium chloride from 4,7% to 5,3% weight in the second reactor, followed by the addition of Distarearoylethyl Hydroxyethylmonium from 1,9% to 2,1% weight,Aminopropyl Dimethicone from 1,4% to 1,6% weight and Dimethicone from 0,47% to 0,53% weight. Then phase B is added to the preparation phase A and after emulsification, arginine is added from 0,19% to 0,21% weight, extracts from soybean stem cells and wheat from 1,9% to 2,1% weight, fragrance composition from 0,18% to 0,22% weight and preservative from 0,47% to 0,53% weight h. The device contains a frame (1),intake chamber (3) with heating coat (2) and bottom drain (4). In the intake chamber (3), there is a working plate (6) with flow holes (7) and a piston (10) with a reciprocating valve (11). The suction chamber (3) from the bottom is placed on the pressure vessel (14),and is mounted rigidly to the frame (1). The method of absorption is that on the working plate (6) the sucking chamber (3) consists of layers of the cap (16),and the last layer of caps (16) is infused with an emulsion cosmetic product, and then the suction chamber (3) is closed with a plunger (10) and heated to a maximum temperature of 40oC. After waiting for 15 -min, the cosmetic product undergoes a pre -treatment during the next 30 -minute period. from cap layer (16),where the resulting effluent holes (7) return excess cosmetic product to recycling.Przedmiotem zgłoszenia jest sposób wytwarzania preparatu do pielęgnacji włosów i skóry głowy, urządzenie do nasączania czepków kosmetycznych tym preparatem oraz metoda ich nasączan