how is it that, in the first place.moving water extractions zi\u00f3l temperature 90 - 100\u00b0c and after zatezeniu obtained solution to dissolve sequentially: 60 kg of sugar or fructose in 34 kg 40 kg extract and 0.8 kg sorbinianu potassium or 0.9 kg citric acid in 2 kg of water at 90\u00b0c and stirs, successively, both obtained solutions with zatezonym extract for 10 - 15 minutes.the mixing sorbinianu or citric acid is at a temperature of 70 - 80\u00b0c while mixing sugar solution with zatezonym extract is at 60 - 65\ order to further prepare up solution by dissolving 0.9 kg 2 kg citric acid in water at 90\u00b0c and adds it to the earlier mixtureswhat overall bearing stirs by 10 - 15 minutes at a temperature of 60 - 65\u00b0c.then, roztwarzas 12 - 14 kg starch acetylowanej e1412 in kg of water at 30 - 100 degrees and came out solution stirs with successively previouslywmieszanymi solutions together and heated to temperature 80 - 85\u00b0c, and after his schlodzeniu to temp.120 degrees, in the finals stages, the following are successivelyin kazdorazowym mixing whole location: 20 kg concentrated blackcurrant or 15 kg of concentrated black currant and chokeberry and 5 kg concentrate 2vitamin c (pochodzacej 9 kg of concentrate and synthetic) rozmieszanej in previously collected 50 kg namiarze obtained before solution ziolowo - cukrowo - succinate.after moving the last few mixing ingredients cider at room temperature.Sposób charakteryzuje sie tym, ze, w pierwszej kolejnosci, przeprowadza sie ekstrakcje ziól woda o temperaturze 90-100°C i po zatezeniu otrzymanego roztworu rozpuszcza sie kolejno: 60 kg cukru lub 34 kg fruktozy w 40 kg ekstraktu i 0.8 kg sorbinianu potasu lub 0,9 kg kwasu cytrynowego w 2 kg wody o temperaturze 90°C i miesza sie, kolejno, oba otrzymane roztwory z zatezonym ekstraktem przez 10-15 minut, przy czym mieszanie sorbinianu lub kwasu cytrynowego prowadzi sie w temperaturze 70-80°C, natomiast mieszanie roztworu cukru z zatezonym ekstra