Referred to a disposable Absorbent article, such as a Honeycomb, which has a longitudinal direction and a Transverse direction, which comprises a Liquid permeable topsheet, a backsheet impervious to liquids and an Absorbent Core positioned between the topsheet And the backsheet a Front waist region,A rear waist region, and a crotch region longitudinal Side edges.Front waist edge and end Edge of back waist retaining fins that are parallel to the longitudinal Axis Clamping LUGs are located in the rear waist region Leg Elastic elements that are located next to the edges in longitudinal direction Longitudinal.In addition, the disposable Absorbent Article comprises a laminar Element made of elastic material and adhered between the top sheet and the back Sheet, located in the rear waist region, parallel to the transverse Axis, continuous and wide between the two edges longitudi ISo that the longitudinal edges of the laminar Element made of elastic material is located between the edge and the longitudinal Elastic leg distal part of the Elastic elements of these Elastic elements and respective legs, Legs without joining the Lami element Nar Elastic materialREFERIDO A UN ARTICULO ABSORBENTE DESECHABLE, TAL COMO UN PANAL, QUE TIENE UNA DIRECCION LONGITUDINAL Y UNA DIRECCION TRANSVERSAL, EL CUAL COMPRENDE UNA LAMINA SUPERIOR PERMEABLE A LOS LIQUIDOS, UNA LAMINA POSTERIOR IMPERMEABLE A LOS LIQUIDOS Y UN NUCLEO ABSORBENTE UBICADO ENTRE LA LAMINA SUPERIOR Y LA LAMINA POSTERIOR UNA REGION DE CINTURA DELANTERA, UNA REGION DE CINTURA TRASERA Y UNA REGION DE ENTREPIERNAS BORDES LATERALES LONGITUDINALES, BORDE EXTREMO DE CINTURA DELANTERA Y BORDE EXTREMO DE CINTURA TRASERA ALETAS DE CONTENCION QUE SE UBICAN PARALELAS AL EJE LONGITUDINAL LENGUETAS DE SUJECION QUE SE UBICAN EN LA REGION DE CINTURA TRASERA ELEMENTOS ELASTICOS DE PIERNAS QUE SE UBICAN EN DIRECCION LONGITUDINAL PROXIMOS A LOS BORDES LONGITUDINALES. ADEMAS, DICHO ARTICULO ABSORBENTE DESECHABLE COMPRENDE UN ELEMENTO LAMINAR