A haptic feedback device receives a signal reflecting pressure exerted by amedical tool against an anatomical surface. A fastener secures the feedbackdeviceto, for example, a wrist of an operator. A haptic exertion component exertshapticstimulation to the operator based on the received signal such that when thereceived signal reflects a pressure being exerted by the medical tool againsttheanatomical surface of a patient is in a defined range for operation of themedicaltool, the exertion component exerts haptic stimulation at a predeterminedlevel thatindicates pressure of the medical tool is being exerted in the defined range.Otherwise, the exertion component does not exert a level of haptic stimulationthatis equal to or more than the predetermined level or the exertion componentexerts alevel of haptic stimulation to the operator that is more than thepredeterminedlevel.