An exhaust pressure relief device including a carrier having an actuating space and an actuating member for the actuating space is provided in the present disclosure wherein a valve communicated with the actuating space is arranged on the carrier, and the actuating member includes an axis and an spool for the swinging related to the axial to control an interval with the valve. A small interval is provided between the spool and the valve at which far from the axis by swinging the spool and exhaust is thereby reduced. Thereby, exhaust could be trimmed and slowed down.一種排氣洩壓裝置,包括一具有作動空間的載體、以及一設於作動空間內的作動件;其中,載體上還設有一與作動空間相連通的閥嘴,而作動件則包含一軸心、以及一相對軸心作擺動而控制與閥嘴間之間距的閥塞。俾藉由閥塞以擺動的方式,使閥塞與閥嘴間較遠離軸心位置處可先提供細微的間距來減小排氣量,藉以達到排氣微調以及慢速排氣之目的。110‧‧‧閥口20‧‧‧軸心200‧‧‧基部21‧‧‧閥塞210‧‧‧閥臂211‧‧‧閥套212‧‧‧間隙