The invention relates to a method for harvesting oilseed flax, which provides cutting oilseed flax stems, forming a tape of nonthreshed stems and carrying out additional threshing thereof. After the threshing the flax straw tape is subjected to flattening and spreaded out on the floor for ageing. The flattening of the flax straw tape accelerates the process of transforming thereof into treated plant fibres. All the listed technological operations are carried out by the same unit. After the threshing of the stem tape the separated seeds are subjected to primary cleaning in the unit and loaded into a means of transportation, by which it is transported into the place of the further cleaning and storing. While ageing the flax straw tape, turning or agitating the tape or the both operations in different sequence, are carried out, with the aim of creating favourable conditions for the ageing process. Once the flax straw is transformed into the treated plant fibres, rolls or bales are formed of the tape of treated oilseed flax plant fibres. They are loaded into a means of transport by a loader and transported to a flax-processing enterprise for storing and further processing. The realization of the proposed method for harvesting oilseed flax will provide the possibility of obtaining seeds and treated plant fibres of oilseed flax without losses and preserving quality indices thereof.Изобретение относится к способу уборки масличного льна, который предусматривает срезание стеблей масличного льна, формирование ленты необмолоченных стеблей и ее обмолачивание. После обмолачивания лента льносоломы подвергается плющению и расстилается на поле для вылеживания. Плющение ленты льносоломы ускоряет процесс ее преобразования в тресту. Все перечисленные технологические операции осуществляет один агрегат. После обмолачивания ленты стеблей отделенные семена в агрегате проходят первичную очистку и загружаются в транспортное средство, которым транспортируется в место дальнейшей очистки и хра