The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for producing thin crisp shredded snacks having a substantially flat chip like appearance and texture. The snacks produced by the method of the present invention have characteristics of both shredded and sheeted snacks. The shredded snacks are produced by compression of a shredded laminate to avoid the fonnation of a puffed or pillowed appearance as well as the thick cracker like appearance. Despite the compression the shredded snacks exhibit a substantially uniform shredded net like appearance upon their surfaces and visually discernible individual shred layers. The strength of the laminate is sufficient to continuously undergo cutting transferring and packaging operations during mass production without tearing or breaking. The shredded snacks produced by the method are sufficiently strong for the addition of greater concentrations of inclusion materials and fillers during production and for dipping into and scooping of dips or sauces without breaking during consumption.