The pet feeder includes a casing having an opening, a tray unit housed in the casing having a number of trays, a refrigerating unit inside the casing enclosing the tray unit so that all trays except one tray exposed by the opening are covered, a temperature control unit housed in the casing and connected to the refrigerating unit and the one tray exposed by the opening, and a driving unit connected to the temperature control unit and driving the tray unit to spin. Through the refrigerating unit and the temperature control unit, the trays are refrigerated whereas the one tray exposed is heated so that the pet may enjoy a warm meal. The driving unit automatically turns the tray unit so that one tray is exposed to feed the pet at scheduled times. The feeds remain fresh and the amount of feeds for each meal is also appropriately controlled.本創作係一種寵物餵食裝置,其包含有一面上設有餵食孔之殼體;一設於殼體內之盛裝單元,該盛裝單元係具有多數容器,且至少一容器係與餵食孔對應;一設於殼體內且包覆對應餵食孔以外其它容器之冷藏單元;一設於殼體內且連接對應餵食孔之容器與冷藏單元之溫控單元;以及一連接盛裝單元與溫控單元之傳動單元。藉此,可利用冷藏單元與溫控單元之配合,對部分容器內保存之飼料予以冷藏,且經由傳動單元帶動其中一容器對應餵食孔,並對容器內欲餵食之飼料進行溫熱以供寵物食用,進而達到飼料保鮮、控制餵食數量、自動餵食以及保持環境衛生之功效。