The method of producing a multi-color composite material used in dentistry is to prepare a plurality of types of single-color composite material precursor powders with different colors, dry press and pre-form the precursor powder, obtain a preformed substrate, Including pressing and heating the forming body to obtain a multi-color composite that gradually changes color from the neck to the cut edge of the tooth, which multi-color composite is highly similar to natural tooth materials Have [Selection figure] None歯科で用いる多重色複合材料を作製する方法は、色の異なる複数種類の単色複合材料前駆体粉末を作製し、前駆体粉末に乾式プレスおよび予備形成を行って、予備形成素地を得て、予備形成素地に加圧および加熱処理を行って、歯のネック部から切端まで徐々に色が変化する多重色複合材料を得ることを含み、この多重色複合材料は、天然歯の材料と高い類似性を有する。【選択図】なし