Compositions that include nanoscale structured materials or precursors thereof(e.g., self-assembling peptides) are described. The compositions can includeother substances (e.g., a vasoconstrictor). Also described are methods forusing the compositions to promote hemostasis, to protect the skin or wounds fromcontamination, to decontaiminate a site upon removal of previously appliedcompositions that provided a protective coating, and to inhibit the movementof bodily substances other than blood. The compositions are also useful in isolatingtissue, removing tissue, preserving tissue (for, e.g., subsequent transplantationor reattachment), and as bulking, stabilizing or hydrating agents. Medicaldevices that include the compositions (e.g., a stent or catheter), bandagesor other wound dressings, sutures, and kits that include the compositions arealso described.