The invention relates to medicine. Universal training complex used for restoring the locomotor patient machine with vertical its position comprises a frame mounted on wheeled supports, means a patient fixation actuator for configured as platforms for the feet of the patient legs, at least one of the axes of the wheel supports, is formed as a crank and is kinematically coupled with said actuator leg platforms for the feet of the patient are fixed to the frame by means of length adjustable consoles are connected with the tabs of said crooked cleat means adjustable along the length of the splines. Means of fixing the patient comprise at least one selected from the group consisting mounts stop kolenoupory, pelvic retainer, belt latch retainer thoracic. The frame is mounted at least one vertically oriented rack, to which is removably attached a removable kolenoupory mounted on the rack with the ability to regulate their position in height and length, and to which are attached platform stopoderzhateley made adjustable in width, and with the possibility of the return movement in the horizontal direction, pelvic retainer associated with a vertically oriented rack and the retaining strap is made of solid material with Velcro on free to ontsah attached to the stop on the rack is posted with the possibility of regulation of its adjustment to the rack. 12 yl.Полезная модель относится к медицине. Универсальный тренажерный комплекс, применяемый для восстановления функций опорно-двигательного аппарата пациента при вертикальном его положении, содержит раму, установленную на колесных опорах, средства фиксации пациента, привод для ног пациента, выполненный в виде платформ для стоп, по меньшей мере одна из осей колесных опор выполнена в виде кривошипа и кинематически связана с упомянутым приводом для ног, платформы для стоп пациента закреплены на раме посредством регулируемых по длине консолей и связаны с выступами упомянутого кривошипа посредством регулируемых по длине планок. Средст