It consists of at least one Mimi in the entry of acetylpyrimidine (AB), which is used to prevent and / or treat sincleinopatia and / or improve the motor and / or cognitive symptoms of sincleopatia, At least one of the Mimosa species binds or mixes with a drug acceptable carrier protein selected from a nontoxic mutant of diphtheria toxin, known as Kall, California,Diphtheria toxin (DT),toxoide tet nico (TT) y prote na D de Haemophilus influenzae (prote na D) Reivindicaci n 8 La composici n seg n cualquiera de las reivindicaciones 1 a 7 donde el por lo menos un mim topo comprende la secuencia de amino cidos XXXXXXX donde X Glutamate (E)Thyroid (y)SERINA (s) or ASP polar acid (d),X2 is a positive and negative amino acid or amino acid, preferably asparagin (n),Isocyanofluoromethane (I),Leukocytin (L)Wallina (V)Lysine (k),Triangle (W)arginina (R)Thyroid (y)Phenylranine (f) or alachlor (a),X3 is the loaded amino acid, preferably aspirin (d) or glutamic acid (E),Xc83088 is an aromatic amino acid or an aqueous amino acid or a white octanoic acid (L),It's better to have thyroid (y),Phenylranine (f) or leukemia (L),X es histidina (H)Lysine (k),Thyroid (y)Feniilalanina (f) or arginina (R),The best is histidina (H),Feniilalanina (f) or arginina (R),X8310a not on site or continuoustreonina (T)asparagina (N)Glutamate (q)Aspartic acid (d)Glutamate (E)arginina (R)Isocyanofluoromethane (I),Lysine (k),Thyroid (y)Or glycerin (g),It's better to be treonina (T),asparagina (N)Aspartic acid (d)arginina (R)Isocyanofluoromethane (I) or glycerin (g),Xl8311 does not exist or is any amino acid, preferably prolina (P),Thyroid (y)treonina (T)Glutamate (q)alanina (A)1. Hididina (H) or SERINA (s);preferably EIDYHR, ELDYHR, EVDYHR, DIDYHR, DLDYHR, DVDYHR, Dl-DYRR, DLDYRR, DVDYRR, DKELRI, DWELRI, YREFFI, YREFRI, EAEFRG, DYEFRG, ELEFRG, DYEFRG, ELEFRG, DYEFRG, ELEFRG , DKELR, SFEFRG, DAEFRWP, DNEFRSP, GSEFRDY, GAEFRFT, SAEFRTQ, SAEFRAT, SWEFRNP, SWEFRLY, SWELRQA, SVEFRYH, SYEFRHH, SQEFRTP, SSWRRS, D