The present invention provides an anti-snag fishing device (100, 200, 300, 400,500, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100) suitable for attachment to a fishing hook (122,…, 1122). The fishing hook (122, …, 1122) having a hook eye (124,…, 1124), a shank (138, …, 1138), at least one curved hook section(126, …, 1126) and at least one hook point (134, …, 1134). The anti-snagfishing device (100, …, 1100) including an elongated body member (120,…, 1120) which when fitted to the fishing hook (122, …, 1120) formsan arc which projects upwardly from at or near the hook eye (124, …, 1124),reaches its highest point above the plane (x) of the hook point (134, …,1134) substantially parallel to the shank (138, …, 1138), then projectsdownwardly passing by and under the hook point (134, …, 1134), where itterminates behind the curved section (126, …, 1126) of the fishing hook(122, …, 1122).