This invention is intended to obtain the addition of a softener for the laundry whose active principles of the components of which it is composed completely or substantially influence the protection of fabrics from the injurious effect of the insect. This is achieved by the fact that the subject supplement is composed of the components: extract (Pyretherum cinerariaefolium) and lavender oil (Aetherolum lavandulae), which is added to the standard softener, and whose anti-insecticidal activity has been known individually since ancient times, wherein their percentage ratio is so balanced that their positive synergistic effect is maximally demonstrated.Ovim pronalaskom je rešeno dobijanje dodatka omekšivačima za veš čiji aktivni principi komponenti od kojih je sastavljen potpuno ili u značajnoj meri utiču na zaštitu tkanina od štetnog dejstva insekata.To je ostvareno tako što je predmetni dodatak sačinjen od komponenti: ekstrakta buhača (Pyretherum cinerariaefolium) I etarskog ulja lavande (Aetherolum lavandulae), koje se dodaju standardnom omekšivaču, a čije je antiinsekticidno dejstvo pojedinačno od davnina poznato pri čemu je njihov procentualni odnos tako izbalansiran da je maksimalno ispoljeno njihovo pozitivno sinergetsko dejstvo.