Абоян Игорь Артемович (RU),Маликов Леонид Леонидович (RU),Бородин Вадим Григорьевич (RU),Павлов Сергей Валентинович (RU),Дробин Олег Юрьевич (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, in particular to operative gynecology. Vaginal access to vaginal cupula is performed. After that, vaginal cupula, stumps of cardinal and sascro-uterine ligaments are extraperetonially rigidly fixed with thread to the middle of synthetic band 1.5×50 cm. By means of measuring band distance from introitus to vaginal cupula top is measured, and obtained parameter plus 4 cm from each side is measured from the middle of synthetic band in opposite directions and marks by marker are made. Then, 2.0 cm above symphysis pubis, on median line made is 2.0 cm long skin cut, and after that, bilaterally, indenting from it 3.0-4.0 cm to each side, two analogous cuts are made. Then, synthetic band is brought through urogenital diaphragm in paravesical space with perforation of aponeurosis of external oblique abdominal muscle through lateral skin cuts on anterior abdominal wall from respective side. Vaginal cupula is pulled to earlier applied mark by ends of synthetic band. After that, both free ends of synthetic band are brought in subcutaneous adipose cellular tissue above aponeurosis and brought out through median cut, where they are fixed to each other by means of prolene thread, after which they are submerged into subcutaneous adipose cellular tissue without rigid fixation to aponeurosis.EFFECT: method makes it possible to reduce operation trauma, eliminate formation of commissures in post-operative period, reduce frequency of infectious and hemorrhagic complications, eliminate disease recurrences, preserve vector of physiological position of vagina axis.2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, в частности к оперативной гинекологии. Осуществляют влагалищный доступ к куполу влагалища. Затем купол влагалища, культи кардинальных и крестцово-маточных связок экстраперетониально жестко фиксируют нитью к середине синтетической ленты 1.5×50 см. Измерительной лентой отмеряют расстояние от интроитуса до вершины купола влагалища и откла