A substrate has or is provided on a surface with a first porosity. Adispersion with low-viscosity liquid is applied to the surface in order toform a ceramic layer with a second porosity having preferably larger and/ormore pores than in the first porosity. The liquid has the ability to be suckedby capillary force into the first pore formation and, in a first stage, toretain on the surface material and/or liquid particles which do not penetrateinto this first pore formation, and which contribute to the continuedconstruction of the layer. In a second stage, the substrate is subjected tosintering in which the particles finally forming the layer are held togetherwith intermediate spaces which consist of or are included in the secondporosity, the spaces being formed either by the fact that material and liquidparticles separate from the particles finally forming the layer are driven offduring the sintering and/or by the fact that the particles forming the layerare chosen with a particle size which means that the last-mentioned particlesare held together after the sintering despite the intermediate spaces. Theinvention also relates to an arrangement. By means of the invention, a dentalproduct can be provided with excellent porosity which is advantageous inconnection with dental installations.