Arutyunov Sergej Darchoevich,Арутюнов Сергей Дарчоевич,Gvetadze Ramaz Shavlovich,Гветадзе Рамаз Шавлович,Arutyunov Anatolij Sergeevich,Арутюнов Анатолий Сергеевич,Stepanov Aleksandr Gennadevich,Степан
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: optical image of the patients head is obtained by matching the graphic files of the facial scan and the computer tomography in the digital module of the CAD/CAM system. The nose is modelled on the received optical image of the head according to the parameters that take into account the principles of harmony and symmetry. The image of the nose model is coordinated with the patient, and then is milled from wax. Further, the wax structure is tried on and aesthetic aspects are coordinated with the patient. An operation to install zygomatic implants into the malar bone with further screw fixation of the abutments and fixation into the abutments, seven days after the operation, a reinforcing element providing further fixation of the nose prosthesis, represented as a titanium alloy wire connecting the abutments and having a bend, parallel to the middle horizontal line of the face, passing in the middle of the piriform aperture, on which a magnetic element is fixed by means of laser soldering. A functional impression is made. The boundaries of the previously made nose model are defined on the gypsum model obtained from the specified functional impression with fixation of the reciprocally polarized magnetic element in a projection mounted on the retention element fixed on the zygomatic implants. The wax nose prototype with a magnetic element is copied using silicone material. Wax is replaced by silicone rubber of pre-chosen colour and transparency. The finished prosthesis is fixed to the patient.EFFECT: method allows to make a prosthetic nose with a support on artificial elements, minimal impact on the postoperative face tissues with high aesthetic and functional properties for nose ectoprosthetics.2 dwgИзобретение относится к медицине, а в частности к челюстно-лицевому протезированию, и предназначено для протезирования носа при его отсутствии различной этиологии. Получают оптическое изображение головы пациента путем сопоставления графических файло