The invention relates to extracting secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin from wood. The inventive method consists in extracting disintegrating wood of a screen area by means of an non-splitting mixture of organic solvent and water, the solvent content ranging from 50 to 75%, in such a way that a secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin-containing extract is obtained, and in processing said extract by removing the solvent in such a way that a final secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin-containing mixture is obtained. In the other variant, the inventive method consists in extracting disintegrating wood of a screen area by means of a non-splitting mixture of organic solvent and water, the solvent content ranging from 50 to 75%, in such a way that a secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin-containing extract is obtained, in processing said extract by removing the solvent in such a way that a final secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin-containing mixture is obtained and in exposing the thus obtained mixture to selective extraction and crystallisation in such a way that secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin are extracted. In the third variant, the inventive method consists in extracting disintegrating wood of a screen area by means of an non-splitting mixture of organic solvent and water, the solvent content ranging from 50 to 75%, in such a way that an secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin-containing extract is obtained, in processing said extract by removing non-polar components, in removing supernatant liquid, in chromatographing the obtained residue on a silicagel layer and in removing an eluate in such a way that a dry secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin mixture is obtained. The use of secoisolariciresinol and dihydroquercetin in the form of components of biologically active additives and chemical-pharmaceutical products is also disclosed.Предложен способ выделения секоизоларицирезинола и дигидрокверцетина из древесины. В предложенном спо