the invention describes a new process of synthesis of polymer poly (propylene fumarate) (ppf) using sub - and \/ or superkriti\u010dnih fluidov and \/ or their mixture.linear polyester poly (propylene fumarate) (ppf) is a potential material for implantation in the human organism (which turned to do natural tissue engineering, bone substitutes) and potential material for controlled release of active substance and has the potential for use in general would omedicini.the invention of the classical synthesis procedure is that it can process the invention sintetiziramo polymer poly (propylene fumarate) ppf without catalysts and conventional organic solvents, with the possibility to obtain the product of sterile.the synthesis is conducted in the presence of sub - and \/ or superkriti\u010dnih media and \/ or their mixtures without catalyst, and no conventional solvents at a temperature range of 0 to 300 degrees celsius, and in the pressure range from 1 to 1000 bar. the object of the invention is also a device for carrying out the process of synthesis.V predloženem izumu je opisan nov postopek sinteze polimera poli(propilen fumarata) (PPF) z uporabo sub- in/ali superkritičnih fluidov in/ali njihovih zmesi. Linearni poliester poli(propilen fumarat) (PPF) je potencialen material za implantacijo v človeški organizem (substitut za naravno kostnino, tkivno inženirski kostni nadomestki) in potencialen material za kontrolirano sproščanje zdravilne učinkovine ter je potencialen za uporabo v splošni biomedicini. Izum se od klasičnega sinteznega postopka razlikuje po tem, da lahko s postopkom po izumu sintetiziramo polimer poli(propilen fumarat) PPF brez katalizatorjev in konvencionalnih organskih topil z možnostjo pridobiti produkt sterilen. Sinteza poteka v prisotnosti sub- in/ali superkritičnih medijev in/ali njihovih zmesi brez katalizatorja in brez konvencionalnih topil v temperaturnem območju od 0 do 300 stopinj Celzija in v območju tlaka od 1 do 1000 bar. Predmet izuma je tud