A breeding container for cultivating aquatic products and for transporting mobile vehicles, the breeding container comprising: a container body and a culture space. The culture space is formed in the container body, and the aquatic product is cultured in the culture space; wherein the aquatic product can be transported by the mobile vehicle through the container body. Thereby, the effect of both breeding and living transport can be achieved.一種養殖貨櫃,用於養殖水產並供移動載具運送,養殖貨櫃包括:一貨櫃本體以及一養殖空間。養殖空間係形成於貨櫃本體內,水產則在養殖空間內養殖;其中,水產係能經由貨櫃本體而被移動載具進行活體運送。藉此,可達成兼具養殖和活體運送的效果。