In alternative embodiments, provided are compositions, including products of manufacture and kits, and methods, for remotely-controlled and non-invasive manipulation of intracellular nucleic acid expression, genetic processes, function and activity in live cells, e.g., adding functions or changing or adding specificities for immune cells, for monitoring physiologic processes, for the correction of pathological processes and for control of therapeutic outcomes. In alternative embodiments, provided are ultrasound-based thermal or mechanical stimulations, and thermo- or mechano-sensitive protein, either synthetically engineered or natively (endogenously) occurring, integrated to control the production of intracellular nucleic acid and gene expression, e.g., for the expression of biological-active proteins, which can be used, in alternative embodiments, for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. In alternative embodiments, exemplary thermo- and mechanogenetic systems provided herein allow a deep penetration of stimulation and manipulation in vivo at centimeter-level depth with high spatiotemporal precision.