ТАН Сайоу Ин (US),ГИВЕН Питер (US),ГАДИРАДЖУ Рама (US),КЛАРК Синтия (US),МАЛЛЕН Джессика (US),ДЖОНСОН Уинсам (US),БРАНД-ЛЕВАЙН Далит (US)
1. A method of reducing the precipitation of sorbic acid during the production and storage of stable canned syrup, the method includes: (a) obtaining a microemulsion containing sorbic acid, a non-aqueous solvent and a surfactant, (b) combining the ingredients of the syrup in a large volume of liquid, and (c) adding a microemulsion to a liquid. 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the surfactant is selected from the group consisting of polysorbates and mixtures thereof. The method according to claim 2, where the concentration of polysorbate in the syrup is from 0.5 parts per million to 200 parts per million. The method according to claim 1, wherein the non-aqueous solvent is selected from the group consisting of propylene glycol, ethanol, citric acid, benzyl alcohol, triacetin, limonene, vegetable oil, medium chain triglycerides, citrus flavor and aroma oils, and mixtures thereof. 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the microemulsion further comprises a co-solvent miscible with water and a non-aqueous solvent. The method according to claim 5, wherein the cosolvent is selected from the group consisting of a combination of propylene glycol and ethanol in a ratio of 60:40, a combination of ethanol and citric acid in a ratio of 90:10, and mixtures thereof. A method of reducing the precipitation of sorbic acid during the preparation and storage of stable canned syrup, the method comprises: (a) dissolving the sorbic acid compound in an oil-based syrup ingredient, (b) combining the syrup ingredients in a large volume of liquid, and (c) adding the ingredient to based on an oil containing a sorbic acid compound in a liquid. 8. The method of claim 7, wherein the oil-based ingredient is selected from the group consisting of and1. Способ снижения осаждения сорбиновой кислоты в процессе получения и хранения стабильного консервированного сиропа, указанный способ включает:(a) получение микроэмульсии, содержащей сорбиновую кислоту, неводный растворитель и поверхностно-активное