Способ хирургического лечения перипротезной инфекции крупных суставов с использованием поливалентного бактериофага фагодерм и вакуумного дренирования продуктов воспаления
Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Tsentralnyj nauchno-issledovatelskij institut travmatologii i ortopedii imeni N.N. Priorova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijskoj Federatsii (
Tsiskarashvili Archil Vazhaevich,Цискарашвили Арчил Важаевич,Zhadin Andrej Valerevich,Жадин Андрей Валерьевич,Kuzmenkov Konstantin Aleksandrovich,Кузьменков Константин Александрович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: modified necrotic tissues are cut removing abnormal soft tissues, including those from the metal endoprosthesis cavity, exposing the metal endoprosthesis surface. The metal endoprosthesis is separated, and its head and a plastic liner are removed. The wound cavity surface and exposed separated metal endoprosthesis surfaces are washed. The new endoprosthesis head and the new plastic liner of suitable size are placed in the metal endoprosthesis and the endoprosthesis integrity is restored. The wound cavity surface and the assembled metal endoprosthesis surfaces are washed. Gel with polyvalent Fagoderm bacteriophages is applied to the wound cavity surface and the assembled metal endoprosthesis surface, uniformly distributing it across the entire wound cavity surface and the assembled metal endoprosthesis surface. A porous sponge made of hydrophilic polyurethane substrate and impregnated with a 1% solution of Fagoderm bacteriophage is placed on the wound cavity surface and the metal endoprothesis surface as a wound filler . The open wound surface of the operated patient is covered with an insulator with self-adhesive edges, the insulator with self-adhesive edges is equipped with a vacuum system. Postoperative vacuum drainage of the bone and soft tissue inflammation products is performed on the wound surface through the pre-laid porous sponge.EFFECT: method allows to save the endoprosthesis, reduce the amount of surgical damage to anatomical structures, reduce the risk of re-surgery.3 cl, 3 exИзобретение относится к травматологии и ортопедии и может быть применимо для хирургического лечения перипротезной инфекции крупных суставов. Иссекают некротически измененные ткани с удалением патологически измененных мягких тканей, в том числе из полости металлического эндопротеза, с обнажением поверхности металлического эндопротеза. Выполняют разъединение металлического эндопротеза и удаляют его головку и полиэтиленовый вкладыш. Промывают поверхность поло