Suitable for use as agricultural chemical ingredients, including micro components and high-power active agents, embedded particles. (Divisional request 201701904)
T. The lt; P gt; composite amp; oacute; n is suitable for use as agroqu amp; Iacute; mico, including Micropart amp; Iacute; cula and a high-power active agent, which is embedded in Micropart amp; Iacute; cula, where Micropart amp; Iacute; CUTAs includes part amp; Iacute; movable wall hollow butts; UACE; Ngica o part amp; Iacute; glucano hollow gun stock, in which the high power active agent is insecticide, and the high power active agent in the particle and ampere assembly is 40% P / p-200% P / P lt; P gt;<;p>;Composició;n adecuada para usar como agroquí;mico, que comprende un componente de micropartí;cula y un agente activo de alta potencia encapsulado en la micropartí;cula, donde el componente de micropartí;culas comprende partí;culas huecas de la pared celular fú;ngica o partí;culas huecas de glucano, donde el agente activo de alta potencia es un pesticida y donde la carga del agente activo de alta potencia en el componente de micropartí;culas es de 40% p/p a 200% p/p.<;/p>;