Present invention is related to a producing method of biodegradable polylactic acid based composite having steps of: fermenting a starch and a polyester oil to form a modified starch blending the modified starch with a polylactic acid blending processing aids with the modified starch and the polylactic acid extruding aforementioned composite and cooling down in water removing the water to form the biodegradable polylactic acid based composite. The present invention has greater melting point at 120℃ comparing with conventional biodegradable polymers.一種生物可分解之聚乳酸複合材料的製造方法,步驟包含:自然發酵一修飾澱粉及一聚酯油類形成一改質澱粉;熔融混練該改質澱粉及一聚乳酸;添加一增韌劑、一晶核劑以及一耐熱改質劑於該改質澱粉及該聚乳酸中熔融混練;混練後擠出於水中降溫並除水去濕形成一聚乳酸複合材料母料;本發明之耐熱溫度達120℃,應用於食品餐具或是嬰兒奶瓶時,可耐高溫且不會釋放有毒物質,使用上安全無慮。