Найденко Виктор Константинович (RU),Калюга Василий Васильевич (RU)
The invention relates to agriculture, and is intended for the cultivation of pigs using a standardized set of machine equipment within the housing on pig farms. An apparatus for maintaining and growing pigs, comprising machines for all process groups, each of which are mounted feeders for sows and piglets, respectively, along parts of machines, facing to the feed passage slatted floor portion at which is disposed a means manure, locking device for lactating sows, gate, wherein the fixing device for sucking and 1st period of gestation sows designed as pivotally connected to each other and with the wall Art NCA partitions in a cell equipped with a spacer bar installed between the machine wall and one of the cell walls, and on the trough for piglets is rigidly fixed a locking device in the form of an arcuate bracket with holes with the possibility of fixing in several positions relative to the front of the machine walls, wherein in floor grill portion (dens) of the machine is made Blow-off slot width 3-4 gratings slit width over which at a height equal to the width of the relief slit is mounted visor wide relief slit width 4/3 And opposite feeders in machine tools for idling, repair and gestating sows 2nd period set divisors den no longer than the length of the animal, a minimum height of three-quarter height and width equal to twice the width of the animal. On the back of the machine for lactating sows are provided as a fender arch and manholes with airtight doors. Fct 2, 19 Fig.Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству и предназначено для выращивания свиней с использованием комплекта унифицированного станочного оборудования в свинарниках на свинофермах. Устройство для содержания и выращивания свиней, включающее станки для всех технологических групп, в каждом из которых установлены кормушки для свиноматок и поросят, соответственно, расположенных вдоль части станков, обращенных к кормовому проходу, решетчатый участок пола, под которым расположено средство удаления на