Liposomes are used for intravesical drug delivery, especially delivery ofbotulinuni toxin (BoNT) to help improvelower urinary tract symptoms by decreasing bladder irritation and frequency.The system uses a lower and safer dose of BoNTwith lower risk of urinary retention. A simple instillation of liposome-BoNTas a liquid formulation into the bladder, in a typicalvolume of 30-60 ml, will achieve efficacy similar to that currently achievedwith cystscopic needle injection of BoNT. The dosemay be lower than that done by injection, thereby causing significantly lessrisk of urinary retention, Liposome-BoNT can protectthe BoNT from bladder and urine breakdown. Liposome-BoNT instillation is morecomfortable for the patients and allows manymore doctors' offices to offer this form of treatment that would otherwise berestricted to doctors skilled and certified incystoscopic BoNT injection.