The present invention relates to a method for producing a natural functional biolotion for skin-whitening, wrinkle amelioration, and ultraviolet light protection. To this end, the natural functional biolotion is produced by using the following ingredients: an anthocyanin concentrate, a black rice bran extract, a green tea extract, a lemon extract, a pine tree extract, a chitosan concentrate, glycerin, collagen, a gold/silver ethanol solution as a natural preservative, and lavender essential oil as a natural spice. The method involves a one-pass process in which a post-correction process is remarkably simplified, while recognizing information on speed of a sensor beacon high viscosity mixer which is an element of internet of things. Accordingly, it is possible to produce natural functional biolotion ensuring enhanced quality and productivity.본 발명은 미백, 주름살제거, 자외선차단 할수있도록한 천연기능성 바이오 로션의 제조방법에 관한것으로서, 천연기능성 바이오 로션 제조소재인 안토시아닌 농축액, 흑미강 추출물, 녹차추출물, 레몬추출물, 소나무추출물 키토산농축액, 글리세린, 콜라겐, 천연방부제 황백에탄올용액, 천연향료 라벤더에센살오일과 사물인터넷 요소기술인 센서비콘고점도믹샤의 속도등의 정보를 인지하고 교정후 공정이 대폭 단축된 원패스(one-PASS)공정으로 품질과 생산성이 향상된 천연기능성 바이오 로션을 제조 할수 있도록 구성되는 것이 특징이다.