The present invention provides an insect or arthropod pesticidal composition. The composition includes active ingredients having a mixture of fatty acids, each of the fatty acids having a straight carbon chain from 6 to 12 carbon atoms long. The fatty acid mixture includes a first fatty acid molecule having a straight carbon chain from 6 to 8 carbon atoms long, and a carboxylic acid group. The fatty acid mixture also includes a second fatty acid molecule having a straight carbon chain from 8 to 12 carbon atoms long, and a carboxylic acid group. The composition also includes a carrier that promotes adherence or absorption or transport across the surface of insects or arthropods to effect their incapacitation or death.本発明は、昆虫又は節足動物の殺虫性組成物を提供する。当該組成物は、脂肪酸の混合物を有する活性成分を含み、当該脂肪酸のそれぞれは、6~12の炭素原子長の炭素直鎖を有する。当該脂肪酸混合物は、6~8の炭素原子長の炭素直鎖及びカルボン酸基を有する第一の脂肪酸分子を含む。当該脂肪酸混合物はまた、8~12の炭素原子長の炭素直鎖及びカルボン酸基を有する第二の脂肪酸分子を含む。当該組成物はまた、それらの不能又は死をもたらすための、昆虫又は節足動物の表面にわたって付着、又は吸収、又は輸送を促進する担体を含む。