A woody plant trunk and branches grafting pruner is provided, which is particularly referred to the one that is capable of being held by hands or operated on a platform for pruning the trunk and branches of plants and configured by a simplified structure. The woody plant trunk and branches grafting pruner is mainly constructed by a main body, an actuation device configured on the main body, an adjustable cutting board configured on the main body, and a controller configured on the main body for controlling the actuation device. The actuation device comprises an action rod connected with a blade holder on which a cutting blade is mounted. Accordingly, with the controller to actuate the actuation device, the action rod of the actuation device is allowed to drive the blade holder and the cutting blade to move toward the adjustable cutting board, so that the trunk and branches of plants can be pruned with a particular structure to achieve rapid and simple operation of the grafting of a flower bud or seedling.本發明係一種木本植物枝幹嫁接修剪器,尤指一種可手持或在平台上修剪植物枝幹且構造更為精簡的木本植物枝幹嫁接修剪器。其主要構造係在一本體設有一致動裝置、一可調整的砧板,及一控制致動裝置的控制器,並在致動裝置的作動桿結合一刀座,及安裝在刀座的切刀。藉此,透過控制器啟動致動裝置,使作動桿帶動刀座及切刀往砧板方向作動,俾修剪出特殊結構的植物枝幹,以便進行嫁接花苞或苗木,達到快速簡易操作之目的者。1‧‧‧本體11‧‧‧砧板12‧‧‧定位器13‧‧‧平台14‧‧‧腳柱2‧‧‧致動裝置21‧‧‧作動桿22‧‧‧氣壓缸3‧‧‧刀座31‧‧‧安裝槽32‧‧‧固定螺絲4‧‧‧刀片5‧‧‧手動控制裝置51‧‧‧氣壓手動閥6‧‧‧脫料板