An embolic protection device (200) andmedical procedure for positioning the device in the aorticarch (100) is disclosed. The device and method effectivelyprevent material (150) from entering with blood flow intoside branch vessels (116, 118, 120) of the aortic arch. Thedevice is a collapsible embolic protection device devisedfor temporary transvascular delivery to an aortic arch of apatient, wherein the device has a protection unit that comprisesa selectively permeable unit adapted to prevent embolicmaterial from passage with a blood flow into a pluralityof aortic side branch vessels at the aortic arch. The protectionunit is permanently attached to a transvascular deliveryunit (130) at a connection point provided at the selectivelypermeable unit, and a first support member for theprotection unit that is at least partly arranged at a peripheryof the selectively permeable unit. In an expanded state ofthe device, the connection point is enclosed by the firstsupport member or arranged at said support member.