САБИР Самир Ахмед (US),ТОЛКОФФ М. Джош (US),ЗИГЛЕР Эндрю (US)
1. A method of skin transplantation, the method comprising the steps of: taking a skin graft from a donor site, preparing said graft for transfer to a recipient site without culturing said graft or applying biological agents to said graft; and transferring said graft to the recipient site. 2. The method according to claim 1, where the fence includes: raising a vacuum blister; and cutting a vacuum blister. 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the preparation includes: placing a skin graft on a first substrate; creating a plurality of microtransplants; and stretching the first substrate. 4. The method according to claim 3, further comprising transferring said graft from said first substrate to a second substrate. The method of claim 4, wherein the first and second substrates are medical dressings. The method of claim 4, wherein the first and second substrates are the same material. The method of claim 4, wherein the first and second substrates are different materials. The method of claim 1, wherein the graft is an autograft. The method according to claim 1, where the recipient site is a zone of depigmented skin, which was prepared to obtain a skin graft. The method of claim 1, wherein the skin graft is selected from the group consisting of an epithelial skin graft, a split graft, and a full-layer graft. A method of treating vitiligo, the method comprising the steps of: taking a skin graft from a donor site; preparing said graft for transfer to a recipient site without culturing said graft or applying bi�1. Способ трансплантации кожи, при этом способ включает этапы:забора кожного трансплантата из донорского участка;подготовки указанного трансплантата для переноса на реципиентный участок без культивирования указанного трансплантата или нанесения биологических средств на указанный трансплантат; ипереноса указанного трансплантата на реципиентный участок.2. Способ по п.1, где забор включает:поднятие вакуумного волдыря; и срезание вакуумного волдыря.3. Способ по п.1, где подго