the object of the invention is a plough with vertical blades (1), and solves the technical problems: the savings in required traction force, resulting in lower fuel consumption of working machinereducing the burden on the plough frame and the extension of the service life of the veznih joints, a decrease in the rate of wear plu\u017enih elements, cheap maintenance device.upright blades (2) are installed on the front surface of the plu\u017enih elements (3) are mounted on the plough and all elements (3) plu\u017ene plough with vertical blades (1).for the turning of cultivated areas in the left or right depending on the direction of travel of the machine.plow with vertical blades (1) may include: system turning plough with the memory cylinder (4).which is located at the junction of the plough (6) and a throat with a 3-point vpetjem and system prekucnega wheels (8), which is installed at the last or penultimate plu\u017enega pairs.Predmet izuma je plug s pokončnimi rezili (1) in rešuje tehnične probleme: prihranka pri potrebni vlečni sili, kar se odraža v manjši porabi pogonskega goriva delovnega stroja, zmanjšanja obremenitve na okvir pluga in s tem podaljšanja življenjske dobe vseh veznih zglobov, zmanjšanja hitrosti obrabe plužnih elementov, kar poceni vzdrževanje naprave. Pokončna rezila (2) so nameščena na čelne površine plužnih elementov (3) pluga in so nameščena so na vse plužne elemente (3) pluga s pokončnimi rezili (1), za obračanje obdelovane površine v levo ali desno glede na smer vožnje delovnega stroja. Plug s pokončnimi rezili (1) lahko obsega: sistem obračanje pluga s spominskim cilindrom (4), kateri je nameščen na spoju okvira pluga (6) in grla s tritočkovnim vpetjem in sistem prekucnega kolesa (8), ki je nameščen v višini zadnjega ali predzadnjega plužnega para.