The invention relates to a sowing unit for a sowing machine, comprising acoupling device,which is configured to couple to a support element of a sowing machine; ajoint device, withwhich a joint is provided between the coupling device and a support device andon whichseparate fastening points for functional components, which are arranged on thesupport device,are formed; and a sowing heart, which is configured to meter a work product,which isto be spread. The support device has a proximal support arm, which couples tothe joint device,and a distal support arm, which, on a side of the proximal support arm facingaway fromthe joint device, extends away from said proximal support arm and isintegrally molded to theproximal support arm, and on which the sowing heart is arranged laterally inthe area of anassembly section in such a way that a rear side of the sowing heart isarranged so as to belocated opposite to the assembly section of the distal support arm and a frontside of thesowing heart is arranged so as to be unobstructed by the support device.